Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Archive: Research

12 Articles

News Story

Professor Suzanne Stetkevych Receives Provost Career Research Achievement Award

Please join us in congratulating Professor Suzanne Stetkevych for her receipt of Georgetown University’s Provost Career Research Achievement Award this November,!…

November 13, 2023

News Story

Dr. Stetkevych Receives the King Faisal Prize

Please join the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies in congratulating Dr. Suzanne Stetkevych on receiving the King Faisal Prize in the category of Arabic Language and…

January 7, 2022

News Story

Congratulations to Professor Ahmad Alqassas on Receiving Two Competitive Research Awards

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Ahmad Alqassas, an Associate Professor in the Department, on receiving the 2021 FLL Summer Academic Grant, and the 2021 Georgetown University…

April 23, 2021

News Story

Graduate Student Anny Gaul Presents Research at NC State University

​Graduate student Anny Gaul participated in a conference at NC State University in Raleigh, NC, Mjaddarah to Fatti de Luxe: Middle East Diasporas and Food, from April 5-7,…

April 26, 2018

News Story

Congratulations to Dilyara Agisheva and Nicholas Mangialardi on receiving the Spring 2017 Dissertation Research Travel Grant from Georgetown University's Graduate School.

Dilyara and Nicholas have been awarded the Dissertation Research Travel Grant in support of their dissertations. Dilyara’s dissertation titled: “Russians in Crimea:…

April 10, 2017

News Story

Ghayda al-Ali receives awards, presents research

Dr. Ghayda al-Ali, an Associate Teaching Professor in the department, has received the following awards:  ITEL Cohort Award: Engaging by Design: Games, Simulations,…

July 12, 2016

News Story

Recent research and publications by Professor Suzanne Stetkevych

Suzanne Stetkevych, Sultan Qaboos Professor of Arabic & Islamic Studies, was on sabbatical leave for Spring semester 2016. She spent Jan-Feb 2016 as a Research Affiliate of…

July 12, 2016

News Story

Abdul Rahman Chamseddine presents research in Dubai and Beirut

AIS graduate student Abdul Rahman Chamseddine presented research at several conferences in 2016, including: “The Image of Heritage in Tawfiq al-Hakim’s The…

June 13, 2016

News Story

Graduate student Nicholas Mangialardi presents research in US and UK

AIS graduate student Nicholas Mangialardi presented research at two conferences this spring.  In March, he presented “‘From the Street, for the Street,…

May 30, 2016

News Story

Graduate student Rosabel Ansari presents research in Istanbul

AIS graduate student Rosabel Ansari presented a paper, “Ibn Kemal, Dawwānī, and the Avicennan Lineage” at a conference in Istanbul. The conference, “The…

February 20, 2016