Recent research and publications by Professor Suzanne Stetkevych

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Suzanne Stetkevych, Sultan Qaboos Professor of Arabic & Islamic Studies, was on sabbatical leave for Spring semester 2016.

She spent Jan-Feb 2016 as a Research Affiliate of the American Research Center in Egypt doing research for her current project on the poetry of the blind 10th-11th c. Syrian poet, al-Maʿarrī.

Recent publications include: 

Arabic Literature,” for The Oxford Handbook of Literatures of the Roman Empire. Eds. Daniel L. Seldon and Phiroze Vasunia. Oxford Handbooks Online. Online publication, Dec., 2015.

Al-Akhṭal at the Court of ʿAbd al-Malik: The Qaṣīda and the Construction of Umayyad Authority,” in Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians in the Umayyad State (660-750 CE), Eds. Fred Donner and Antoine Borrut, inaugural issue of Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East 1 (2015) Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago. Pp. 129-155.

“Tawlīd al-Qaṣīdah al-Luzūmiyyah: Qirāʾah Uslūbiyyah” [The Genesis of al-Qaṣīdah al-Luzūmiyyah: A Stylistics Reading]. In Al-Naṣṣ al-Shiʿrī: Qirāʾāt Taṭbīqiyyah: Buḥūth Muḥakkamah. [Sultan Qaboos University, Masqat, Oman]. Beirut: Al-Intishār al-ʿArabī, 2016. Pp. 17-28.

“Abbasid Panegyric: Badīʿ Poetry and the Invention of the Arab Golden Age,” British Journal of Middle East Studies.