Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Proficiency Exam for Students Returning from Study-Abroad

The Department provides Arabic proficiency testing in September and January to SFS students returning from study abroad. This schedule applies ONLY to students returning from study abroad and students taking summer courses outside Georgetown University. Other MSFS and BSFS students should follow the regular proficiency exam schedule in November and April.

Students who return from spring or summer study abroad take the exam in the subsequent fall semester, in September but before the end of the Add/Drop period for that semester. Students returning from fall study abroad take the exam in the subsequent spring semester, in January but before the end of the Add/Drop period for that semester.

If you participated in the Georgetown University Summer in Amman the summer before the semester of your intended proficiency exam, you do not need to take the placement exam prior to signing up for the proficiency exam.

To determine student’s eligibility for the proficiency exam, students must first take an online placement exam.

  1. For instructions on how to take the Off-Campus Placement Exam, please see this Google document.
  2. Follow the instructions and complete the exam. Contact the Department ( to notify that you have completed the placement exam and that you intend to take the proficiency exam during the Add/Drop period. 
  3. The Department will notify the student if s/he is ready to sit for the exam or not by August 15th (for students taking the exam in September) and December 15th (for students taking the exam in January). A student is prepared to pass proficiency after successful completion of ARAB 2216/2217.

To sign up for the proficiency exam:

  1. Student must have received e-mail from the Department that s/he has been approved to sit for the proficiency exam
  2. Register on this Google Form
  3. Registration MUST be received before the deadline The deadline to sign up for the September or January proficiency exam is the Sunday before classes begin for each semester

Students will receive an e-mail from a faculty member to schedule date and time for the proficiency exam, which must be completed before the end of the Add/Drop period for the semester.

If you have questions, please contact the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at: