Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies

COVID-19 Related Information Communication

Social Distancing Guidelines: From the Provost regarding the social distancing guidelines for undergraduate students
Fall 2020 Graduate Student Plan: For information from the university Deans on the reopening plan regarding Graduate Students
COVID-19 Fall Study Abroad Cancellation: Memorandum from the office of the Provost
COVID-19 FAQ: Use this link to view the FAQ page for questions asked during COVID-19 from the University.
Graduate Student FAQ and Instructional Continuity: Graduate students looking for more information regarding FAQ and Instructional Continuity policies during
COVID-19 FAQ for Graduate Applicants: Use this link to visit the resources compiled by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Being a Successful Student Online: A CNDLS complied list of how to adapt to the new learning environment
FAQ to opt for a Pass/Fail option for undergraduate students: Use this link to view the FAQ page regarding the Pass/Fail option from the College Dean’s Office
Students Guide to Zoom: a comprehensive guide on how to use Zoom from CNDLS
Health Information: For information on preventative measures and contact information from Georgetown University
COVID-19 Resource Center: Follow this link to read preventative measures, helpline contacts, and other information from Georgetown University
Daily University Updates: Subscribe using this link to receive daily updates from Georgetown University regarding COVID-19

Guidelines on Access to the Library’s Print Collections as issued by the Office of the Provost.
FAQs for Faculty on Remote Learning
as issued by the Office of the Provost.
Face Coverings Required: As stated from the Office of the Provost
Extension of Tenure Probationary Period FAQ
as issued by the Office of the Provost.
Child Care Resources for Instructional Continuity
as issued by the Office of the Provost.
CNDLS Instructional continuity: For information issued by CNDLS on Instructional Continuity
Student concerns: If you have concerns over a particular student, you may reach out to their dean by visiting the spreadsheet sent from the Dean’s Office.
Faculty Remote Learning FAQ: For FAQ and policies on procedures during COVID-19 from the Office of the Provost
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program: For counseling, consulting, and educational services from Human Resources
Health Information: For information on preventative measures and contact information from Georgetown University