AIS participates at American Comparative Literature Association
From March 18-20, 2016, several AIS scholars participated in a seminar as a part of the American Comparative Literature Association annual meeting. The seminar, “The Arabic Qasida: An Aesthetics for the 21st Century,” was organized by Professor Suzanne Stetkevych.
AIS graduate student Cynthia Brandenburg presented a paper titled “Undying Glory and Everlasting Infamy: A Bipartite Fakhr-Hijāʾ Qaṣīḍah by Jarīr.”
Professor Suzanne Stetkevych presented a paper titled “A Long Night’s Journey into Day: Abu al-`Ala’ al-Ma`arri’s Praise Poem to al-Sharif Ibrahim al-`Alawi.”
AIS visiting researcher Hussain Abulfaraj of King Abdulaziz University presented “The Ritual of Delegation: Poems Presented and Recited Before Prophet Mohammad.”
Finally, Dr. Jaroslav Stetkevych, an AIS affiliate, presented “The Achievement of Arabic Allegorical Poetic Form: The Elegy of Abu Dhu’ayb al-Hudhali.”