Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Graduate Student Job Placements

Some of our PH.D. students job placement include:

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Stonybrook University

Tenure Line Assistant Professor of Religion, Agnes Scott College
Tenure Line Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Fresno State
Tenure Line Assistant Professor, Macalester College
Tenure Line Assistant Professor of Religion and Islamic Studies, New College of Florida
Tenure Line Lecturer, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies, Stonybrook University
Postdoc Fellow, Bowdoin College
Postdoc Fellow, Ismaili Institute, London
Postdoc Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Postdoc Fellow, Patapon
Postdoc Fellow, Center for the Humanities, Tufts University
Assistant Professor of Arabic Studies in the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Maryland, College Park
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages, American University of Beirut
Assistant Professor, Georgetown University Qatar
Assistant Professor, International and Global Studies Department, Sewanee University
Assistant Professor, Umm Al-Qura University
Visiting Assistant Professor, Classical Mediterranean and Middle East, Macalester University
Lecturer, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge
Lecturer in the Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Adjunct Professorial Lecturer, American University
Director of Arabic Language Instruction, University of Minnesota
Senior Associate, Domain Expert MENA Desk, Dataminr

Some of our M.A. students job placements include:

Arabic Analyst, Global Risk Profile
Arabic Assessment Consultant, ETS
Director of High School Programs: SCS Summer and Special
Programs, Georgetown University
Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University
Publications Editor, Arab Center DC
Research Manager, Exiger
Special Assistant to the Vice President of Advancement, Georgetown University