Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Proficiency Exam for MSFS and other Graduate Students in SFS


When is the Exam administered?  

The Arabic Proficiency and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Exams are conducted in November and April of each year. Graduate Students in SFS will receive the Proficiency Exam, only MAAS Students will receive the OPI.

Exam Registration and Schedule:

All students (except Arabic Majors) taking the Arabic Proficiency exam or OPI MUST register by the deadline. No registration requests are accepted after the Registration deadline below.

Fall Semester – Registration starts on the second Monday in October, stays open for two weeks, and closes on the Friday of the second week at 5 PM. If the second Monday is a holiday, registration will open on Tuesday. Students are contacted by the faculty administering the exam informing them about the exam date by end of October. Exams will be held by the last day of classes on the date and time agreed upon by the student and the examiner.


Spring Semester – Registration starts on the second Monday in March, stays open for two weeks, and closes on the Friday of the second week at 5 PM. If the second Monday is a holiday, registration will open on Tuesday. Students are contacted by the faculty administering the exam informing them about the exam date by end of March. Exams will be held by the last day of classes on the date and time agreed upon by the student and the examiner.

How to register for the Exam?  

Arabic Proficiency Exam Format & Procedure

Prior to the exam:

Examinee is advised to review Arabic Articles on Politics, Economy, and Culture using Arabic websites to be familiar with Arabic authentic articles, such as:

Exam Time: The duration of the exam is 35 minutes. Examinees must arrive at the office of the faculty member administering her/his exam at least 15 minutes before exam time.

Proficiency Exam Structure & Process:

The exam period will begin with a warm-up where the examinee is provided with three different articles on current Arab events (politics), Social News, and Economics. The examinee will choose ONE of the three articles for their exam.

The exam starts with 2 to 3 minutes of warm-up conversation to create a comfortable environment for the examinee by asking him/her several questions on their Arabic background. After this warm-up, the examinee will have 15 minutes to read the article they selected. It is up to the student whether or not they would like a dictionary.

When 15 minutes have passed, the exam begins with different language tasks according to the ACTFL (American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Proficiency Exam in addition to the article selected. The examinee might be asked to summarize the article, then answer 4-5 comprehensive questions about the article; the examinee should be ready to express her/his opinion on the topic and demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter.

Examiner may:

The examiner ends the interview by asking the examinee about her/his future plan.


Within two weeks of the examination, results are sent to the student’s Academic Dean. Students interested in reviewing these results should contact their Academic Dean.


Examinees who pass the proficiency exam are able to satisfy simple personal needs and social demands to survive in an Arab environment. They should also sustain discourse through the use of oral paragraphs, engage in a conversation dealing with current events, and demonstrate familiarity with relevant historical, cultural, political, and economic information. 

PASS on the proficiency exam is comparable to achieving an Advanced Low or Advanced Mid on the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines (ACTFL) rating depending on the program in which the student is enrolled (for reference, see the scale below).

PASS scale:

Please contact the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies ( with questions regarding the exam