Previous Senior Honors Thesis Topics


“Sayyid Qutb’s Theories of Economics and Jihad as Responses to Secularisms”
Advisor: Sara Omar

“Female Genital Cutting and Western NGO Rhetoric”
Advisor: Sara Omar


“Love in Sahar Khalifeh’s Novels”
Advisor: Elliott Colla


“Linguistic Archeology: A Contrastive Analysis of Arabic and English Idioms”
Advisor: Ahmad Alqassas

“Al-Ghazali and the Hellenistic Skeptical Tradition”
Advisor: Emma Gannagé

“Reimagining modernity: Nāzik al-Malā’ika and the importance of form in modern Arabic poetry”
Advisor: Elliott Colla


“Language Attitudes toward Queer Epithets in Arabic: A Sociolinguistic Investigation”
Advisor: Terrence Potter

“The State of Islamic Biomedical Ethics, Contemporary and Classical: Examining the Breadth of Islamic Bioethical Discourse”
Advisor: Felicitas Opwis


“Psychological Displacement in Nakba Literature”
Advisor: Dima Ayoub


“Georgetown Arabic Students Abroad: Comparing the Linguistic Perceptions of Future and Former Study Abroad Students in the Arab World”
Advisor: Terrence Potter